To raise a support ticket, go to the main screen and create a ticket by clicking the email support button on the bottom right hand side of the site. Our staff may be online to chat instantly.

The reasons for creating a support ticket is for the below:

  • Delete an application form that you have already sent out, and want it removed.
  • Applicant requires the application re-sent to them again. (Please put down their full name and correct email address, and Project Name)
  • If you are not sure about a certain screening, and the notes don't make sense to you. (Please note that we see what you see, so its just as easy to go onto the client portal, and view everything on there). You can also download the full report which will show everything.

Note: all support tickets are responded to and dealt with within 24 hours, it may be that we have to do some investigating to find the correct information.